using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

public static void Main()
	//-- Intent: sends a voice message with voicecode 100123 and  --//
	//-- 	sends an email message with emailcode 100278 to  --//
	//-- 	an array of contacts and names the alert "My Test Alert" --//
	//--    POST to the following url --//
	string my_url = "";
	//-- our API KEY credentials --//
	string API_KEY = "12345";

	UriBuilder my_uri = new UriBuilder(my_url);
	my_uri.Port = 80;
	System.Net.HttpWebRequest MyRequest = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(my_uri.Uri);
	//-- Create Email is a POST --//
	MyRequest.Method = "POST";
	//-- Append the API KEY header --//
	MyRequest.Headers.Add("SwiftAPI-Key", API_KEY);

	//-- build the Email_Message XML to POST --//
	string create_email = "<ArrayOfContact>"
			+"		<EntityName>Sample One</EntityName>"
			+"		<EntityGuid>a44667cf-e4e5-4f28-b4e2-948ba2065c09</EntityGuid>"
			+"		<Email></Email>"
			+"		<SMSNetwork>0</SMSNetwork>"
			+"		<PagerNetwork>0</PagerNetwork>"
			+"		<Phones>"
			+"		<PhoneProfile>"
			+"		<Phone>5551234567</Phone>"
			+"		<Extension/>"
			+"		<OptInSMS>true</OptInSMS>"
			+"		<PhoneType>phonetype_voice</PhoneType>"
			+"		<PhoneLabel>Mobile</PhoneLabel>"
			+"		</PhoneProfile>"
			+"		</Phones>"
			+"		<UserDefined>"
			+"		<KeyValue><Key>FieldOne</Key><Value>foobar</Value></KeyValue>"
			+"		<KeyValue><Key>FieldTwo</Key><Value>other</Value></KeyValue>"
			+"		</UserDefined>"
			+"    </Contact>"
			+"	<Contact>"
			+"		<EntityName>Sample Two</EntityName>"
			+"		<EntityGuid>a44667cf-e4e5-4f28-b4e2-948ba2065c09</EntityGuid>"
			+"		<Email></Email>"
			+"		<SMSNetwork>0</SMSNetwork>"
			+"		<PagerNetwork>0</PagerNetwork>"
			+"		<Phones>"
			+"		<PhoneProfile>"
			+"		<Phone>5551234568</Phone>"
			+"		<Extension/>"
			+"		<OptInSMS>true</OptInSMS>"
			+"		<PhoneType>phonetype_voice</PhoneType>"
			+"		<PhoneLabel>Mobile</PhoneLabel>"
			+"		</PhoneProfile>"
			+"		</Phones>"
			+"		<UserDefined>"
			+"		<KeyValue><Key>FieldOne</Key><Value>foobar</Value></KeyValue>"
			+"		<KeyValue><Key>FieldTwo</Key><Value>other</Value></KeyValue>"
			+"		</UserDefined>"
			+"    </Contact>"

//-- POST the xml --//
	byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(create_email);
    MyRequest.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
    MyRequest.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding='utf-8'";
    Stream s = MyRequest.GetRequestStream();
    s.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

        //-- get the response --//
		System.Net.HttpWebResponse MyResponse = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)MyRequest.GetResponse();
        string message = String.Format("Received HTTP {0}", MyResponse.StatusCode);
        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(MyResponse.GetResponseStream()))
            //-- Create was successful --//
			string response_body = sr.ReadToEnd();
			System.Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - " + response_body);
    catch (System.Net.WebException webEx)
        //-- Create failed --//
		using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webEx.Response.GetResponseStream()))
            string response_body = sr.ReadToEnd();
            string error_message = String.Format("Received HTTP {0} : {1}", webEx.Status.ToString(), response_body);
			System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR - " + error_message);