//-- Intent: get list of all the scheduled alert profiles --//

  type: "GET",
  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  headers: {"SwiftAPI-Key": "12345"},
  url: "http://api.v4.swiftreach.com/api/Alerts/Schedules/List",
  dataType: "json"
  success: function(result) {
        // Do something with the result


<!-- example return value -->
		"$type":"API.V4.DataWrappers.Schedule_Run_Once, API.V4",
		"TaskDateTime":"4/2/2015 12:00 PM",
		"TaskName":"My Scheduled Alert 2",
		"Description":"Example of a scheduled alert that will run on a specific date and time",
		"$type":"API.V4.DataWrappers.Schedule_Run_Once, API.V4",
		"TaskDateTime":"4/2/2015 12:00 PM",
		"TaskName":"My Scheduled Alert",
		"Description":"Example of a scheduled alert that will run on a specific date and time",