//-- Intent: sends a voice message with voicecode 100123 and --// //-- sends an email message with emailcode 100278 to --// //-- an array of contacts and names the alert "My Test Alert" --// var jsonString = ' \ [{ \ "EntityName":"Sample Test", \ "EntityGuid":"952a9bb6-ceac-4f15-9678-ec4e52f564a1", \ "Phones": \ [{ \ "Phone":"5551234567", \ "Extension":"", \ "AnsDetectionOverride":0, \ "OptInSMS":true, \ "PhoneType":0, \ "PhoneLabel":"Mobile" \ },{ \ "Phone":"5551234568", \ "Extension":"", \ "AnsDetectionOverride":0, \ "OptInSMS":false, \ "PhoneType":0, \ "PhoneLabel":"Phone" \ }], \ "Addresses": \ [{ \ "AddressGuid":"9a360c7a-dd65-4fcf-96fe-ff20a63610b0", \ "Label":"Primary Address", \ "Address1":"", \ "Address2":"", \ "City":"", \ "State":"", \ "PostalCode":"", \ "County":"", \ "Latitude":0.0, \ "Longitude":0.0, \ "IsPrimary":true \ }], \ "Email":"testing@swiftreach.com", \ "Fax":"5555551212", \ "SMSPhone":"", \ "SMSNetwork":0, \ "Pager":"", \ "PagerNetwork":0, \ "PinCode":"", \ "SpokenLanguage":"English", \ "Tag":"", \ "UserDefined":[] \ }]'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", headers: {"SwiftAPI-Key": "12345"}, url: "http://api.v4.swiftreach.com/api/Alerts/Send/MY%20Test%20Alert/100123/0/0/100278/0", data: jsonString, dataType: "json" success: function(result) { // Do something with the result } }); <!-- example return value --> 123456