SwiftReach.Swift911.Core.Reports.Voice.CallRecord Object Reference
Struct that defines the properties of a voice call record.
The following classes are derived from this class:
Field Type Description BeginStamp System.String Date and Time that the phone call started. EndStamp System.String Date and Time that the phone call ended. OutboundMinutes System.Double Number of billable minutess for the phone call. CallResult SwiftReach.Swift911.Core.Reports.Voice.CallResult Result of the phone call. Digits System.String Any digits that the called-party may have pressed on the phone. Phone System.String The phone number that was called. JobCode System.Int32 The numerical value that identifies the notification campaign. ListCode System.Int32 The numerical value that identifies the contact list that was used. CustomerCode System.Int32 The numerical value that identifies the customer account. ResponseRequired System.Boolean True when a response was required as an attribute of the notification. ResponseResult System.String Any response keyed by the user. This will be null or empty if a response was not required. RetryCount System.Int32 Tells us how many attempts to contact this phone number that this record constitutes. ReplayCount System.Int32 Tells us how many times the message was repeated. CallType System.Int32 The type of call that this was. ConnectStamp System.String Date and Time when the called-party answered the phone. See CallResult before keying off this value. PhoneIndex System.Int32 The index of this phone number in the order of phone numbers in the called-party's profile in the contact list (waterfall calling). CauseCode System.Int32 The numerical release code that was returned by the PSTN. CompletePlayback System.Boolean True is the called-party listened to the entire voice message. DetectedAnsweringMachine System.Boolean True if an answering machine or voicemail was detected. PinValidated System.Boolean True if a pin code was required and entered correctly. Language System.String Language of the message sent to the user. UserInput System.String XML representing complex userinput. This field is only relevant when the message delivered was a user-defined call flow message. HasFeedback System.Boolean True if the called-party recorded verbal feedback that we can listen to. Address1 System.String The street address of the called-party. City System.String The city of the called-party. StateProv System.String The state of the called-party. PostalCode System.String The zip code of the called-party. County System.String The county of the called-party. Latitude System.Double The latitude associated with the called-party. Longitude System.Double The longitude associated with the called-party. EntityName System.String The name of the called-party. EntityGuid System.Guid Unique guid value that identifies the called-party in the originating contact list.